For a while there has been at least four male Blackbirds in my garden, maybe five and two or three females.
It's hard to sometimes tell one male from another, but after a while you see different things and sometimes they have little quirks which help to identify them too.
I like to give my birds a name, it helps when keeping notes about them and I swear that over the years some have responded when I call their name.
The Blackbird above is called 'Ruffles' as named by my friend Mary over at Daisytrail. Its a great name considering how ruffled his feathers are from lots of nest activity.
Several weeks ago he had a bad leg but that seems to be OK now.
'Ruffles' has a little mark on his face by his beak on his right side, which I hope stays after he moults.
He is not as confident as two of the other males but like them he will come looking for food and look in the window/door until I go out to feed him.
Made using one of the fabulous kits from Digifiddle Designs called 'Summer Secrets'.
thanks for stopping by x
Ruffles is gorgeous, and it's true that the birds are all little individuals! Hugs, Valerie
Ruffles is so sweet! A wonderful photo and DigiFiddle's kit works perfectly with it :) I know what you mean with all the blackbirds, my garden is full of them too, lots more females than males though. Great post :)
I am amazed at how well you know the birds who come to your garden and how familiar they are. They obviously know you put out food and welcome them, what a lovely relationship !
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